January 2024 Newsletter

2024 in Review


January Event

Sunday Conversations
“Going into the new year, what are your hopes and dreams?”
A community conversation focusing on positive visions for the coming year.
Sunday, January 19, 2025, 4 p.m. Eastern Time

Join with others to generate a positive outlook for the future. Hopes are always with us; dreams can be for things big or small. Hopes and dreams can bring us joy. Let’s imagine together and be inspired!


We will meet on Zoom but most of the hour will be talking with others in a small group (Zoom break-out room). The most intriguing ideas can be reported to the entire group at the conclusion.


Are there ways that MassME can help you achieve your dreams? Each breakout room will have a host from MassME. We stand ready to help in whatever way we can.


Advocacy Corner

We are in your corner! In December:

  • A team of Board members and Advocacy Coordinator Cheryl Breslin have been in communication with the Massachusetts Department of Public Health. We are planning a webinar for DPH employees, scheduled for the end of January, and have suggested MassME Board member Hayla Sluss, PhD, as the main speaker. We are also looking for someone who can speak briefly about their illness experience. Please contact Cheryl at the email below if you are interested.

  • We met with MA Rep. Mindy Domb and her team to discuss her advocacy for Long COVID, and to ask that any legislative action also include other IACCIs (Infection Associated Chronic Conditions and Illnesses) like ME/CFS , POTS (Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome), and Chronic Lyme Disease.
  • The Advocacy Team continues to meet monthly to get familiar with the issues and with the budget and legislative process. Two of our members, Jae Guth and Hayla Sluss, are developing a survey on accessibility and transportation. Thank you Jae and Hayla!

  • We have reached out to the Massachusetts Executive Branch – Secretary Walsh, Commissioner Goldstein, and Assistant Secretary Shark – to urge them to add a line item in the budget to establish funding for a process of data collection and surveillance of IACCIs, and to improve the information currently available on the Mass DPH website. 

Please email us at advocacy@massmecfs.org if you would like to get involved.


Massachusetts In-Home Vaccination Program

In-home vaccination is available for people who have difficulty getting to a community vaccination location, particularly those facing mobility or transportation challenges.


There will also be mobile clinics available in some communities.

Click here for full details.


Newsworthy Events and Updates

Free Digital Skills Training for People With Disabilities

The Arc and AT&T have joined forces on a nationwide program that is bringing digital skills training to people with disabilities and their families. Digital literacy is critical in today’s world to learn, apply for jobs, be socially connected, and more. Unfortunately, for a variety of reasons, people with disabilities are three times more likely to not go online than people without disabilities.


Click here for more information.

Free COVID-19 Testing from the Government

You can use this form to order 4 free at-home COVID-19 test kits from the government. You may be able to get free COVID-19 testing if you have symptoms or were exposed to the virus. Find no-cost COVID-19 testing near you.



We want to hear from you!


Have a story to tell, artwork to share, or something you would like to see featured?


Click hereand tell us about it!




Massachusetts ME/CFS & FM Association is a 501c3 non-profit registered in the state of Massachusetts. 

MassME Lighthouse Logo

Massachusetts ME/CFS & FM Association

PO Box 690305

Quincy, MA 02269


617-471-5559  contact@MassMECFS.org


© ::Massachusetts ME/CFS & FM Association::. All Rights Reserved
